Sunday, February 15, 2015

Worship at Templo Biblico

We pray that you had a great day of worship at home with our GCO family!  While we missed being at our home church and listening to Pastor Mike preach, we had an awesome time with the Templo Biblico family!

We woke up bright and early for a final practice run of the songs and speech choir.  After the girls donned on head coverings, we headed out to church at 8am.

We had the privilege of leading in song for the worship service (in Spanish!) and presented a Romans 8 speech choir (also in Spanish).  Matthew H. preached on Romans 8.  Can you tell that this is an important passage for our group? ;-).

This was a blessed time for us to share our heart and talents with these saints in the Dominican Republic.  There are many cultural differences with the Dominican church (i.e. - the baptized/church members sit separately from the non-members and the women are expected to wear head coverings), but because we share the same passion about the same God, we were able to worship wholeheartedly together as one body!

Thank you, Lord, for allowing us to share this time of corporate worship with saints that we will spend eternity with.  We pray that our message in song, words, and deed have been an encouragement to them.  Help us all to grow more and more in love with You and Your Word.  Thank you for causing our hearts to be soft toward You and toward them.  It has been a treat to work alongside this church family these last few days.

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