Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Don't forget your passport!!!

We are now less than 34 hours until we meet at LAX to fly to the DR... for some of us, our first flight in our lives!

Sunday afternoon/evening was a productive time, although many of us have a bit of that common cold virus that's been getting passed around.  All of our props and costumes are packed into large suitcases, inventoried, and ready to go.  Now, we just have to pack our own things in our little carry-on bags and try hard not to forget our passports!

With her recent bone breaking injury, Ariana has decided to not join us on this trip.  We will miss her greatly and will do our best to fill in the big hole of her absence!  Ari, we know that you will be praying for us as we pray for you!

Thank you for all the prayers in these past months that have paved the way for this trip.  Thank you for the generous financial contributions that were given to allow us to go!  Please continue to pray:

  • No one forgets to bring a passport!
  • Health and safety - aside from the common issues with traveling, that no one gets ill from dirty water or contaminated foods
  • Luggage - we are checking 20 large suitcase with props and supplies for all the different ministry events that are planned.  Pray that nothing gets misplaced or delayed.
  • Activities - we have a very full schedule of activities planned and will be running before we hit the ground sprinting :-).  Pray that we will work hard and rest hard and be efficient in our use of time, even while we wait for the plane at the airport!
  • Goals - Pray that we would bring much encouragement to James and Rebekah, our KidsAlive missionaries, and a blessing to our Dominican Republic brothers and sisters.  Pray that we will minister to the kids at the orphanage and help the church to reach out to the Monte Plata community.
We are so excited to be a part of Lord's work in Monte Plata!  Ultimately, please be praying that regardless of what happens on this trip, our Lord's name will be proclaimed loudly!  May we magnify His name throughout our trip and may He be pleased with our efforts to make Christ name GREAT!

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