Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sin Palabras - Speechless

Abby A and Tessa - so excited to practice Sin Palabras again :-D

After church, we had the afternoon at camp to prepare for Sin Palabras (Speechless).

For those of you that are not familiar with Speechless, it is a presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ using about 10+ dramas, set to music, and interwoven with narrations.  Click here for more information about Speechless and to see samples of past presentations.  It is really a fresh and creative way to clearly present the truth of God!  

This is an event that is near and dear to our hearts.  We have spent countless hours in prayer, in practice, and in preparing props and costumes for this program.  We are all filled with excited anticipation of who God is going to bring and how He is going to use this program for His glroy!

The program started promptly at 7:30pm this evening.  The church was completely PACKED OUT!  There were people standing and sitting every where!!!  We were so excited that so many come to see this presentation and that the Gospel was being proclaimed to all that were present!  The whole production went well overall.  It was a little messy at parts, but we always expect "a little messy" when we are in an area where we cannot count on having consistent electricity and are using flashlights and other creative light sources for spotlights and little portable speakers to run the sound for the program ;-).  We recruited 4 Dominican guys to read the narration between the drama vignettes live.  These guys were super enthusiastic about being a part of the program.  They told us that they wanted to "go on the road" with us :-).  All in all, the Gospel was clearly preached.  The seeds have been sown, now we wait for the Lord to provide water and growth.  It will be up to the church to follow up with those that have come.  We pray that we will one day in heaven, meet everyone that was impacted and converted by this event tonight!  Thank you for interceding before His throne in prayer for us, specifically for Speechless.  The Lord heard and was please to answer!

A couple of other items that are worth mentioning:

1.  A couple of the girls are not feeling 100% today, but seem to be doing better tonight.  They are troopers though and toughed it out and fulfilled all of their "responsibilities"!  Pray that they will feel better with a good night's rest and be all better for the trip home tomorrow.

2.  Dan was in 2 different incidents with the rental truck.  No on was hurt (except for the truck).  Yesterday, a tree jumped out from nowhere at camp and busted the tail light and back bumper of the truck!  Today, someone backed into the truck in the middle of the street and took out the front end :-/.  Please pray that we are able to get things sorted out easily with the rental car company and that there will not be delayed when we return the vehicle tomorrow at the airport.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers!  One more day until we get home.  Miss you all and can't wait to tell you more about our trip!

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