Saturday, February 14, 2015

Successful Day

Kiersten spending a little Quiet Time by the Rio - calm before the storm :)

Today was split into 3 main events:

Kids' Program at CMP

We had a fun collaborative kids' program at CMP this morning.  Matthew M. led in song.  Alyssa directed the pantomime/skit that presented the Gospel to the group.  Samuel (CMP youth) explained the Gospel in Spanish.  Abby A. led games with help from Solanji (CMP youth).  Christine led the craft time (prepared by Susan) and instructed the kids with help from multiple CMP kids.

Sin Palabras flyer distribution

With the help with the kids from church, we passed out flyers for Sin Palabras (Speechless) in the neighborhood.  Among the chaos, we somehow left the van keys locked in the van :-/.  But fear not, the church mechanic, Rei, rescued us!  Talk about how each of us received a special gift, we are sure thankful that Rei employed his in serving us!!!

Date Night 

Since it is Valentine's Day, we conveniently used this opportunity to treat the married couples of Templo Biblico to a "date night".  The goal of this event is two fold: to bless the couples with a special time to celebrate their marriage relationship and to discuss how marriage can be used as an evangelism tool.

We had a great time with the couples tonight!  The ladies did a beautiful job at making the camp's main meeting area look magical.  Scott made some amazing gourmet enchiladas.  All our practice in singing in Spanish paid off... we sounded pretty good and were reasonably understandable :-).  But the Star of the Night was the rousing game of "Four on the Couch" by the Dominican couples!

We finished off the night with a Speechless (or shall we say, Sin Palabras) practice.  Heading off to bed now, early lights-out day, 11:45.  As we say, "Sunday starts the night before."  Thank you for faithfully praying for us.  We are all healthy, tired, but healthy.  Ari is doing great!  She is a trooper and is being very careful with her arm.  Please pray for us as we share in the church service tomorrow morning and present Speechless to the community tomorrow night.

Night - night!
Santiago and Alyssa

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