Monday, February 16, 2015

Mad Dash

We landed in MIA on time.  Cleared customs.  Just made it to our gate.  Boarding now.  Cutting it really close!  Thanks for praying.  See you soon!

On the plane!

Phew!  We just got on the plane.  Got things sorted out for the rental car.  Had to get a police report.  More later!

On our way...


We are en route to the airport.  It was a bitter-sweet last morning in the Dominican Republic.

We enjoyed one last awesome time of worship with the Holts and spent a little bit of down time experiencing this beautiful country!  Matthew M. scheduled flex time for this last day, just for us to: finish up any loose ends, have time to pack and clean up and say good-bye, and to play :).

Our "play" destination was Salto de Socoa, a breathtaking waterfall!  This was just a great time for our team to unwind from the jam packed schedule of the last couple of days and to enjoy each other and God's amazing beauty of this land.  We will get some pictures posted as soon as possible!

As you pray us home.  Please remember:

  • Car rental - with the rental truck having some damages, please pray that there won't be any delays in turning in the car.
  • Immigration - we would clear immigration quickly and uneventfully in Miami.
  • Connecting Flight - we are taking the last flight out of Miami.  Pray that we won't have any delays that would cause us not to be able to make the connecting flight back to LAX
  • Sleep/rest - That we will all be able to get some rest on the plane.  Most of us are going back to school tomorrow morning.
  • Health - some of us are not feeling completely well.  Pray that we will not be completely miserable as we travel (or get everyone else sick!).
Sending our love from the Dominican Republic.  See you soon!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sin Palabras - Speechless

Abby A and Tessa - so excited to practice Sin Palabras again :-D

After church, we had the afternoon at camp to prepare for Sin Palabras (Speechless).

For those of you that are not familiar with Speechless, it is a presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ using about 10+ dramas, set to music, and interwoven with narrations.  Click here for more information about Speechless and to see samples of past presentations.  It is really a fresh and creative way to clearly present the truth of God!  

This is an event that is near and dear to our hearts.  We have spent countless hours in prayer, in practice, and in preparing props and costumes for this program.  We are all filled with excited anticipation of who God is going to bring and how He is going to use this program for His glroy!

The program started promptly at 7:30pm this evening.  The church was completely PACKED OUT!  There were people standing and sitting every where!!!  We were so excited that so many come to see this presentation and that the Gospel was being proclaimed to all that were present!  The whole production went well overall.  It was a little messy at parts, but we always expect "a little messy" when we are in an area where we cannot count on having consistent electricity and are using flashlights and other creative light sources for spotlights and little portable speakers to run the sound for the program ;-).  We recruited 4 Dominican guys to read the narration between the drama vignettes live.  These guys were super enthusiastic about being a part of the program.  They told us that they wanted to "go on the road" with us :-).  All in all, the Gospel was clearly preached.  The seeds have been sown, now we wait for the Lord to provide water and growth.  It will be up to the church to follow up with those that have come.  We pray that we will one day in heaven, meet everyone that was impacted and converted by this event tonight!  Thank you for interceding before His throne in prayer for us, specifically for Speechless.  The Lord heard and was please to answer!

A couple of other items that are worth mentioning:

1.  A couple of the girls are not feeling 100% today, but seem to be doing better tonight.  They are troopers though and toughed it out and fulfilled all of their "responsibilities"!  Pray that they will feel better with a good night's rest and be all better for the trip home tomorrow.

2.  Dan was in 2 different incidents with the rental truck.  No on was hurt (except for the truck).  Yesterday, a tree jumped out from nowhere at camp and busted the tail light and back bumper of the truck!  Today, someone backed into the truck in the middle of the street and took out the front end :-/.  Please pray that we are able to get things sorted out easily with the rental car company and that there will not be delayed when we return the vehicle tomorrow at the airport.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers!  One more day until we get home.  Miss you all and can't wait to tell you more about our trip!

Worship at Templo Biblico

We pray that you had a great day of worship at home with our GCO family!  While we missed being at our home church and listening to Pastor Mike preach, we had an awesome time with the Templo Biblico family!

We woke up bright and early for a final practice run of the songs and speech choir.  After the girls donned on head coverings, we headed out to church at 8am.

We had the privilege of leading in song for the worship service (in Spanish!) and presented a Romans 8 speech choir (also in Spanish).  Matthew H. preached on Romans 8.  Can you tell that this is an important passage for our group? ;-).

This was a blessed time for us to share our heart and talents with these saints in the Dominican Republic.  There are many cultural differences with the Dominican church (i.e. - the baptized/church members sit separately from the non-members and the women are expected to wear head coverings), but because we share the same passion about the same God, we were able to worship wholeheartedly together as one body!

Thank you, Lord, for allowing us to share this time of corporate worship with saints that we will spend eternity with.  We pray that our message in song, words, and deed have been an encouragement to them.  Help us all to grow more and more in love with You and Your Word.  Thank you for causing our hearts to be soft toward You and toward them.  It has been a treat to work alongside this church family these last few days.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Successful Day

Kiersten spending a little Quiet Time by the Rio - calm before the storm :)

Today was split into 3 main events:

Kids' Program at CMP

We had a fun collaborative kids' program at CMP this morning.  Matthew M. led in song.  Alyssa directed the pantomime/skit that presented the Gospel to the group.  Samuel (CMP youth) explained the Gospel in Spanish.  Abby A. led games with help from Solanji (CMP youth).  Christine led the craft time (prepared by Susan) and instructed the kids with help from multiple CMP kids.

Sin Palabras flyer distribution

With the help with the kids from church, we passed out flyers for Sin Palabras (Speechless) in the neighborhood.  Among the chaos, we somehow left the van keys locked in the van :-/.  But fear not, the church mechanic, Rei, rescued us!  Talk about how each of us received a special gift, we are sure thankful that Rei employed his in serving us!!!

Date Night 

Since it is Valentine's Day, we conveniently used this opportunity to treat the married couples of Templo Biblico to a "date night".  The goal of this event is two fold: to bless the couples with a special time to celebrate their marriage relationship and to discuss how marriage can be used as an evangelism tool.

We had a great time with the couples tonight!  The ladies did a beautiful job at making the camp's main meeting area look magical.  Scott made some amazing gourmet enchiladas.  All our practice in singing in Spanish paid off... we sounded pretty good and were reasonably understandable :-).  But the Star of the Night was the rousing game of "Four on the Couch" by the Dominican couples!

We finished off the night with a Speechless (or shall we say, Sin Palabras) practice.  Heading off to bed now, early lights-out day, 11:45.  As we say, "Sunday starts the night before."  Thank you for faithfully praying for us.  We are all healthy, tired, but healthy.  Ari is doing great!  She is a trooper and is being very careful with her arm.  Please pray for us as we share in the church service tomorrow morning and present Speechless to the community tomorrow night.

Night - night!
Santiago and Alyssa

Quick note...

Good morning!  We are busy at work with the CMP kids' progam.  Just got WiFi so I uploaded a few pictures from yesterday at the batey.  Please scroll back through the previous posts from time to time.  Pictures will be added to the appropriate day as technology becomes available!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Romans 8 Shower

One of our main objectives in coming to the Dominican Republic was to encourage and refresh the missionary that we've sent out from our church body, the Holts.  James and Rebekah are the directors of the Casa Monte Plata orphanage.  To learn more about their ministry and story, please see their blog here.

Through different conversations that we've had with the Holts before we came, it was clear that they were most hungry for some solid English worship time.  We have been praying through the logistics of blocking out some time to creatively immerse them in English worship -- through music, the Word, and other avenues.

Tonight, after Youth Group, was one of the worship sessions.  We all joined in singing some old familiar song and taught them "new" songs.  We also surrounded them with the 30 minute Youth Sunday Romans 8 program, where we did a full dramatic reading of the chapter, interspersed with choruses and songs in various portions for emphasis.  Here is the recording, if you would like to hear it again.

James and Rebekah were thoroughly blessed by the time.  Rebekah sent this message to her sister:

Just got back from the "Romans 8 Shower".  Feeling pretty overwhelmed right now.  So good to be showered in God's truth, having it sung over us, shouted at us, quietly whispered to us.  Words cannot describe how good that was for our souls.  Praising God for Matthew, for the whole team, and most of all, for God's incredible sacrificial love that saved, holds, and protects us, and that gives us hope for eternity and great joy today.

Amen, Sister!  So grateful that our God used us to bless you and James as you have blessed so many in the States, and now in the DR.

It is 12:45am.  Lights out.  Good night all!  We will be getting up soon.  Thank you all for praying with us.  We covet each one!

DR Friday Night Youth Group

After a full day of working and playing at the batey, we were able to get back to the camp for a little over an hour to work on Speechless for a little bit before dinner.

Shortly after dinner, we went over to Templo Biblico for Youth Group.  We had the privilege to lead Youth Group tonight... including games, music worship (in Spanish!), and Matthew H. shared a message from Romans 8 and Ephesians 1 (also in Spanish).

It is amazing the instant bond that we have with these brothers and sisters!  What a sweet time for us to share in worship as a family of God.  We pray that this group of teens were as blessed as we were this evening!  May they be encouraged and challenged to excel still more and continually seek Christ as the ultimate treasure, this day and beyond.

A Few Pictures - the River and at the Batey :-)

Our "Rio"!  See the dirt road, that is our way home :)

Tessa loving the little girls.
Holly... working on her Spanish??

Abby A. getting a make-over :-)

Open field for games and general running around!!!

The Batey

After a short nap last night, we are excited to be back to work :).

Today, we are blessing a little church in Sabana large de Boya, about 20 minutes outside of the town of Monte Plata.  This is a church plant of Templo Biblico (the church that we are mainly here to serve.)  There are about 10 families that call this church home.  We are thrilled to be able to paint the facilities and minister to these precious saints today.

Our adventure starts with the 28 of us piling into our 2 vans and 1 truck (the 3rd van that was reserved wasn't available at the airport, so we are making it work with the truck!), cross the raging river (well, never raging, but sometimes really high!  Right now it is fairly low.), and traveling down pot-hole filled dirt roads.  We are most definitely in a third world country, especially in this poverty stricken little town (batey) that we are at today.  The batey is an area that the poorest of the poor (mainly Haitian immigrants) live, typically in the rural outskirts of town.

As some of us paint this little church, the rest of us are playing with the dozens of kids that are swarming around.  There are at least 60 kids that are just following us around!  In an organized chaos, we are singing songs, playing games, and doing crafts with them.  Most of these kids are not from the church.  We are thankful to be able to love on them through our actions and attention... not so much words, since most of us don't speak Spanish or Creole ;-).

Just a quick glimpse of the mass amount of kids... you would think we were famous or something :)

We will be finishing up here in about an hour.  Will head back to camp for some Speechless practice time and then over to Templo Biblico (church) for Youth Night.

Please continue to pray for endurance.  We are all being stretched and pushed.  May we look more like Christ through this process!

*** We have not had good internet connection to post pictures.  We are taking them though.  Will share images when we are able to get them up! ***

Thursday, February 12, 2015

All Done for the Night

We are wrapping up for the day.

It has been a long and tiring day for us, especially on just a little bit of sleep (on the airplane).  We are very thankful for a safe trip thus far.  Only one person has vomited, but better now.  Not certain of the cause of the issue... whether from being overly tired, eating something that didn't agree with the system, motion sickness, a virus, or all of the above, we may not know for sure!

We had a great time with the Casa Monte Plata (aka CMP) kids.  After a traditional American hotdog dinner, we played some American/Dominican games.  The highlight of the evening was singing worship songs (in Spanish!!!) around the campfire!  The elders from the church, the CMP kids, and our team made a beautiful choir.  It is cool to imagine what heaven might be like as we all sing at the top of our lungs in worship to our Lord in different tongues!

After the CMP kids went to bed, we had a team meeting with James and Rebekah to work out details for the rest of the time.  It is always good to have a plan, but we are ready to flex if God has other plans for us :).

It was a good day.  Now, we get to lay down for the first time in over 24 hours.  Everyone is looking forward to being horizontal.

Tomorrow... Painting and leading Youth Group at the Batey.  This Batey is an impoverished Hatain refugee camp located along the river on the outskirts of Monte Plata.  It is the poorest area of Monte Plata.

Faces to Names

For the benefit of those that might not know all of us or just might want to see our smiling faces :),  here are some pictures of the team!

The 2015 DR Team
Back row: Brandon, Kiersten, Jill, Dan, Matthew M., Matthew H., Mike, Andrew, Scott, Amber, Joe, Jono
Middle row: Sarah, Isaac, James, Kristine, Brittany, Ariana, Bethany, Alyssa, Holly, Susan
Front row: Abby A., Winston, Abbi G., Ellen, Fiona, Tessa
Not pictured: Football #28 (briefcase that contains laptop and all important documents!)
Bandon and Abbi G

First of many checked bags!  See our patient agent in the back?


Holly and Winston

James and Susan

Mom (Angela) and Ariana

Amber and Tessa

Abby A. and Mike.  Matthew H. in the back, keeping a keen eye on things!

Sarah and Jill, looking so lovely!
Dan showing off his snack (in the back) :)

Kiersten and Christine -- try saying that 10 times fast!

Scott and Brittany

Abbi G, Ellen, and Fiona

Andrew, Bethany, Scott, Alyssa, and Matthew M.

En Route

LAX to Miami -- check.

Miami to Santo Domingo -- check.

Santo Domingo to Monte Plata -- ummm... working on it :-)

We had an uneventful transition from LAX to MIA to SDQ.  We hit a glitch at the Santo Domingo airport.  Two of the three vehicles that were reserved weren't there!  We scrambled and worked something out.  Now, we are back on track.  Onward to the camp at Monte Plata to set up our "home" for the next four nights!  Everyone is healthy, happy, and full of excitement and anticipation for the next few days' activities!

Please pray for a safe drive to Monte Plata, no issues with setting up camp, and a fun dinner with the Casa Monte Plata (CMP orphanage) kids.  I believe we are roasting hotdogs for them :).

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

1, 2, 3... 29! We're all here, including Ari :)

With passports and boarding passes in hand, we are all ready to go!  We are on board and will take off in a few minutes.

The check-in process was a little bit drawn out at LAX.  But traveling in a group of 28, we are thankful for the patience of the American Airlines agent!

We are so thrilled that our #15 (Ariana) is able to come on the trip!  Our team is full again!!!

Pray that we will be able to catch a few hours of sleep on this flight.  We will check back in when we get to Miami!

Sneak Peek... our proposed schedule

Per Matthew:

The chances of this schedule staying like this are approximately 2.7%.  But we at least start off with a target.  And the target is attached.  Parents -- this will give you some insight into what we might be doing.

Date          Day                            Times      Activity/Notes                   
2/11/2015 Wednesday Night    8:45 PM    Meet at LAX - TRAVEL
2/11/2015 Wednesday Night    11:45 PM   Take Off from LAX (Am Airlines 384N)      
 2/12/2015 Thursday Morning    7:29 AM     Land In Miami
2/12/2015 Thursday Morning     9:55 AM    Take Off in Miami (Am Airlines 1465N)
 2/12/2015 Thursday Afternoon   1:14 PM     Land in Santo Domingo
2/12/2015 Thursday Afternoon   4:00 PM     Arrive at Camp - Set up Mosquito Nets
2/12/2015 Thursday Afternoon   5:30 PM     Arrive at CMP - Prepare Dinner for CMP 
2/12/2015 Thursday Evening     7:00 PM     Dinner
2/12/2015 Thursday Evening     8:00 PM     CMP Devotional
2/12/2015 Thursday Evening     10:30 PM    Bed Time

2/13/2015 Friday Morning  7:00 AM     Wake Up - Work on PROGRAMS
2/13/2015 Friday Morning         9:00 AM     Leave Camp (Be sure to pack lunch)
2/13/2015 Friday Morning  9:30 AM     To Batey to paint/visit (Need to have candy, crafts, songs ready.  Buy apples and oranges at Capital); Group to Work on Speechless Props; Study Hall (if needed)
2/13/2015 Friday Afternoon         4:00 PM Leave Batey - back to Camp
2/13/2015 Friday Afternoon  5:45 PM Dinner
2/13/2015 Friday Evening            6:30 PM Leave Camp
2/13/2015 Friday Evening  7:00 PM Youth Group (Can Youth Group Help Promote Speechless?  We need to make Fliers. Need to plan some activities with youth group.)
 2/13/2015 Friday Evening            9:30 PM Worship Time with Holts
 2/13/2015 Friday Evening  10:30 PM Head Back to Camp
2/13/2015 Friday Evening  12:00 AM Bed Time

2/14/2015 Saturday Morning      6:30 AM Wake Up (Maybe have time to work on PROGRAMS?)
2/14/2015 Saturday Morning      8:30 AM Head to CMP
2/14/2015 Saturday Morning      9:00 AM Train CMP Kids for Kids Program
2/14/2015 Saturday Morning      10:00 AM Start Kids Program
2/14/2015 Saturday Morning      11:00 AM Prep Lunch for Team
2/14/2015 Saturday Morning      11:30 AM End Kids Program
2/14/2015 Saturday Morning      12:00 PM Eat Lunch
2/14/2015 Saturday Morning      12:45 PM Worship Time with Holts
2/14/2015 Saturday Afternoon      1:45 PM Leave for Park Program (Need Fliers and Candy.)
2/14/2015 Saturday Afternoon      2:00 PM Park Programs/Outreach.
2/14/2015 Saturday Afternoon      4:00 PM Start Preparing for Date Night (May need to have some people go earlier to prep Date Night.)
2/14/2015 Saturday Evening      6:00 PM Date Night
2/14/2015 Saturday Evening      9:00 PM Date Night Ends/Clean Up
2/14/2015 Saturday Evening      11:00 PM Bed Time

2/15/2015 Sunday Morning      6:30 AM Wake Up (Work on Speech Choir and Songs)
2/15/2015 Sunday Morning      8:00 AM Leave for church
2/15/2015 Sunday Morning      8:30 AM Church
2/15/2015 Sunday Afternoon      1:00 PM Lunch
2/15/2015 Sunday Afternoon      1:30 PM Speechless Prep/Invites
2/15/2015 Sunday Evening      7:00 PM Speechless  
2/15/2015 Sunday Evening      10:00 PM Return to Camp
2/15/2015 Sunday Evening      11:30 PM Bed Time

2/16/2015 Monday Morning FLEX TIME
2/16/2015 Monday Afternoon       1:30 PM Head to Airport
2/16/2015 Monday Afternoon       5:30 PM Take Off in Santo Domingo (American Airlines 1041N)         
2/16/2015 Monday Afternoon       7:00 PM Land In Miami
2/16/2015 Monday Evening       9:00 PM    Take off in Miami (American Airlines 1147N)
2/16/2015 Monday Evening       11:55 PM Land at LAX

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Don't forget your passport!!!

We are now less than 34 hours until we meet at LAX to fly to the DR... for some of us, our first flight in our lives!

Sunday afternoon/evening was a productive time, although many of us have a bit of that common cold virus that's been getting passed around.  All of our props and costumes are packed into large suitcases, inventoried, and ready to go.  Now, we just have to pack our own things in our little carry-on bags and try hard not to forget our passports!

With her recent bone breaking injury, Ariana has decided to not join us on this trip.  We will miss her greatly and will do our best to fill in the big hole of her absence!  Ari, we know that you will be praying for us as we pray for you!

Thank you for all the prayers in these past months that have paved the way for this trip.  Thank you for the generous financial contributions that were given to allow us to go!  Please continue to pray:

  • No one forgets to bring a passport!
  • Health and safety - aside from the common issues with traveling, that no one gets ill from dirty water or contaminated foods
  • Luggage - we are checking 20 large suitcase with props and supplies for all the different ministry events that are planned.  Pray that nothing gets misplaced or delayed.
  • Activities - we have a very full schedule of activities planned and will be running before we hit the ground sprinting :-).  Pray that we will work hard and rest hard and be efficient in our use of time, even while we wait for the plane at the airport!
  • Goals - Pray that we would bring much encouragement to James and Rebekah, our KidsAlive missionaries, and a blessing to our Dominican Republic brothers and sisters.  Pray that we will minister to the kids at the orphanage and help the church to reach out to the Monte Plata community.
We are so excited to be a part of Lord's work in Monte Plata!  Ultimately, please be praying that regardless of what happens on this trip, our Lord's name will be proclaimed loudly!  May we magnify His name throughout our trip and may He be pleased with our efforts to make Christ name GREAT!